
Showing posts from June, 2021

Umrah Step By Step Guide | Know about Ihram, Tawaf, Sai and Halq

  Umrah Step By Step Guide Two primary pilgrimages in Islam are Hajj and Umrah. While Hajj is obligatory and can be performed only in the specific months of the Islamic year, Umrah Step by Step gives a lot more flexibility to the pilgrims with respect to the time when they want to perform the pilgrimage. Umrah can be done any time of the year except during the time of Hajj.  The rituals performed as a part of the Umrah pilgrimage are also called the pillars of Umrah. The four main pillars or the ritual acts performed as a part of Umrah are as follows: Rituals Of Umrah Step-by-Step 1. Ihram ( Ihram for Umrah ) The first step prescribed for performing Umrah is assuming Ihram. Pilgrims must enter Ihram upon reaching the miqat in Mecca. Miqats are the boundaries defined for pilgrims coming from different parts of the world. There are five main miqats to enter masjid Al haram for performing Umrah: Dhat Irq, Yalamlam , Masjid Dhul Hulaifa, Juhfat, and Qarn al-Manazil. The first step to assu