Umrah Step By Step Guide | Know about Ihram, Tawaf, Sai and Halq

 Umrah Step By Step Guide

Two primary pilgrimages in Islam are Hajj and Umrah. While Hajj is obligatory and can be performed only in the specific months of the Islamic year, Umrah Step by Step gives a lot more flexibility to the pilgrims with respect to the time when they want to perform the pilgrimage. Umrah can be done any time of the year except during the time of Hajj. 

The rituals performed as a part of the Umrah pilgrimage are also called the pillars of Umrah. The four main pillars or the ritual acts performed as a part of Umrah are as follows:

Rituals Of Umrah Step-by-Step

1. Ihram (Ihram for Umrah)

The first step prescribed for performing Umrah is assuming Ihram. Pilgrims must enter Ihram upon reaching the miqat in Mecca. Miqats are the boundaries defined for pilgrims coming from different parts of the world. There are five main miqats to enter masjid Al haram for performing Umrah: Dhat Irq, Yalamlam , Masjid Dhul Hulaifa, Juhfat, and Qarn al-Manazil.

The first step to assume Ihram is to perform wudu or ablution. There are many rules regarding how to perform wudu, therefore it is important for pilgrims to be aware of the procedure in detail. Once wudu is complete pilgrims can then change into Ihram clothes, which are special garments that must not be stitched from any side. Ihram clothes for men are two white sheets that should have absolutely no design or pattern. There are detailed guides available on how to wear Ihram clothing. Along with the prescribed clothing, the men's footwear should be such that the front of the feet, the ankles and the top portion of the feet are visible.

For women, the prescribed Ihram clothing include regular and simple clothes on the inside and a plain white or black over the clothes. The objective is to ensure that everybody looks equal in the house of Allah. Another reason behind white and simple clothing for women is to not distract them or other pilgrims from the main objective of Umrah. Therefore it is recommended that the abaya should be loose fitted and as plain and simple as possible. Keeping this objective in mind, women are also expected to not wear any jewellery, henna or makeup while they are in the state of Ihram. Another important guideline regarding Ihram clothing for women is that their face and hands must be visible at all times. Wearing a niqab is prohibited during Umrah.

Ihram is a holy state and thus has a lot of rules and regulations that pilgrims should follow. These include a long list of dos and don'ts. Focussing on things and activities that are prohibited, here is a list of things one must not indulge in while they are in the state of Ihram:

  1. Violence of any kind

  2. Speaking harshly or rudely to anybody

  3. Speaking ill about somebody

  4. Arguing and fighting

  5. Sexual activity

  6. Wearing any kind of perfume or scent

  7. Wearing any kind of makeup or jewellery

  8. Clipping nails, shaving and plucking hair

  9. Hunting or hurting animals

  10. Eating meat of a prey

  11. Looking in the mirror with the purpose of beautification

  12. Using a cleansing solution or a cream that contains perfume or scent

The next step is to declare niyyah or intention. After declaring the intention to perform the holy pilgrimage one must recite the talbiyah by saying, ”Labbayka llahumma labbayk(a), labbayka la sharika laka labbayk(a), inna l-hamda wa n-ni’mata, laka wal-mulk(a), la sharika lak.” This is a prayer of conviction that the pilgrim is going to undertake the sacred pilgrimage to the holy Kaaba, the house of Allah.

2. Tawaf

Pilgrims can then enter the holy mosque of Al haram. The right way to enter the mosque is to put your right foot first and recite a special prayer. This must be followed by lifting both hands in the direction of the blackstone and saying Allah Hu Akbar, which means Allah is great. After saying takbir, pilgrims can start the circumambulation. 

The next step for pilgrims performing Umrah is tawaf. It is a ritual in which pilgrims perform Tawaf circumambulations of the Kaaba. All pilgrims must complete seven rounds around the Kaaba in an anti-clockwise direction and face the holy black stone during each round. It is recommended that pilgrims memorize the two rakats of salah that have been suggested by scholars to be recited during the ritual of tawaf.

After completing the seventh round, pilgrims should proceed to the station of Ibraham, which is also called Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Certain Surahs and supplications have been recommended by Islamic scholars that must be recited at the station of Ibrahim.

3. Sai

The next ritual is called Sai or Saee. In this step, pilgrims climb up the hill of Safa to a point from where Kaaba can be seen. From this point, they complete seven rounds between the hills of Safa and Marwa. This ritual is performed in remembrance of the struggle of Bibi Hagar (the second wife of prophet Ibrahim PBUH), when she was frantically searching for some water for the thirsty son, Ismael. The seven circuits of Saee are done facing the Kaaba and raising one's hands while saying a supplication of their choice.

There are many hadiths that list the duas that can be made during the ritual of side. While performing Saee, it is important to remember Allah during each round. Once seven circuits between the two hills are complete, the ritual of Sai is also complete.

4. Halq

The pilgrims can then move onto the next for the last ritual of their pilgrimage which is called Halq or taqsir. This is a ritual wherein pilgrims cut or shave their hair to officially complete their spiritual journey to the house of Allah. Halq refers to shaving off of the head where taqsir means trimming only a short length of the hair. Women are required to chop only a small length of their hair to complete the pilgrimage.

This Umrah step by step guide is only a brief summary of the rituals that are mandatory for Umrah pilgrims. If you are planning to visit the house of Allah soon, it is recommended that you learn about each of the rituals in detail. 


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