How To Perform Tahajjud: Step-By-Step

 It is implied that the Tahajjud prayer, also known as Qiyam-ul-u-lail, is optional and that skipping it is not sinful because it belongs to the fourth category of prayers, known as Nafl. If you are wondering when and how to perform, keep on reading. The Tahajjud prayer is typically said after the obligatory Isha prayer in the evening and before the obligatory Fajr prayer in the morning. The best time to say this prayer is in the last third of the night because Tahajjud, which is Arabic for giving up sleep, is used to describe it. According to Islam, during this time of the night, Allah descends to the lowest heaven to see who is sincerely worshiping and awakening.

How to perform Tahajjud Dua ?

Although it is not necessary to recite the Tahajjud prayer, many Muslims worldwide make an effort to do so in order to obtain the forgiveness and mercy of the Almighty. During the last third of the night, just before the Fajr prayer begins, this specific Islamic prayer is offered. This prayer should be performed when angels are dispatched from heaven to receive duas from each of Allah's servants. When a person makes amends for their sins during this time, Allah forgives them.

How to perform Tahajjud step by step

1. Make plans to awaken after midnight.

Make plans to awaken the night before the Fajr prayer after praying the Isha prayer and before going to bed. Although the Tahajjud can be recited at any time of the night, it is recommended that you do so after midnight, particularly during the final third of the evening. Tahajjud is best performed during the period halfway between Isha and Fajr. The reason for this is that in the final third of the night, Allah descends to the lowest heaven and inquires, "Who is asking me, so that I may give to him? Who is pleading for my pardon so that I might pardon him?”

Do not feel guilty if you make a sincere effort to get up in the morning to perform the Tahajjud but unintentionally fall asleep. In accordance with a hadith, Allah records your sincere desire to observe Tahajjud and grants you sleep out of mercy. As if your goal had been achieved, you would receive a reward.

2. Be awake during the night 

In order to perform Wudu, one must rise at the appointed hour. After that, make your way to a tidy, quiet, and respectable location to pray. Put away all concerns about the outside world and call out to Allah and pray with all the love and devotion. With pure dedication, Allah reaches out to whomever performs the dua with all their heart.

3. Make your Niyyah

Make a clear mental statement to yourself that you are about to perform the Tahajjud as you begin your prayer. Establish your intention to perform the Tahajjud in the chosen manner, including the number of rakaats you will make.

4. Offer Takbir

There is no restriction on how many raka'at may be offered during the Sunnah Tahajjud prayers. The number of times you perform it is up to you, as long as it's done in pairs. If you wanted to pray the Sunnah Tahajjud prayer for 4 rakat, for instance, you couldn't do it without any salam breaks like the Isha prayer. You will have to put salaam after every two rakats. 

Knowing how to perform Tahajjud dua is very essential in Islam, as it helps Muslims reap benefits and preach to Allah about all their sins and concerns. One should know how to perform Tahajjud Namaz with the utmost devotion and respect for reaping blessings from Allah.



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