Islamic Dream Interpretation: Meaning and Interpretation of Dreams

 There are several terms in the Quran that are used to refer to dreams in Quran, such as ru'ya (vision), hulm (dream), Manam (sleep), and Bushra (tidings). For Muslims, dreams are a kind of spiritual perception. Dream interpretation, also known as oneiromancy has become an established science in Muslim literature. In Islam, the Arabic terms Tabir or Tafsir are used to describe dream interpretation. There are a number of Muslim scholars who have developed an interest in sleep and described it as a sign of the greatness of the Creator and explored sleep and dreams in their writings.

How do interpret dreams in Islam?

Various Muslim philosophers and thinkers have emerged in the field of dream interpretation. Over the past 1500 years, they have proposed many theories, understandings, and observations of dreams, which correspond with many of the recent theories developed by current psychologists: 

Ibn Arabi: devised a transcendental system of Islamic dream interpretation combining both Islamic theologies with Greek philosophy.

Ibn Sirin: Ibn Sirin is the most famous dream interpreter in Islamic history. He advised a system for dream interpretation based on the fact that both Hadith and the Qur’an teach Muslims to respect the psychological and spiritual importance of the dream experience. According to him the interpretation of a dream depends entirely on the life circumstances and personal characteristics of the dreamer along with the meaning of the dream. 

Ibn Khaldūn: was a great Islamic scholar who considered dream interpretation to be science he divided dreams into three categories: 

1) Those from God (Allāh)-These dreams are clear and unmistakable in their meaning

2)Those from Angels-Dreams that are received as a symbol and require interpretation

3)Those from Satan: These dreams are confusing

Dreams are considered a part of Prophethood in Islam. The truth of the dreams depends on the seriousness of the dreamer. As per Islamic history, it was lawful to interpret dreams. Islamic dream interpretation can be divided into three categories. Interpretation in the light of Quran, Sunnah, and interpretation by means of proverbs, names, and opposites. There are certain significant aspects that need to be considered before trying to interpret a dream.

  1. If multiple people see the same dream, then it is a sign of truth and the dream is a true vision.

  2. A dream from Allah which is a warning or an indication of good comes swiftly.

  3. Dreams which are truly not long or endless they are short and concise. 

  4. The Holy Prophet prohibits adding or omitting something to or from a dream while relating it for interpretation.

  5. For different people the meaning of the dream is different, they have different interpretations of a similar symbol occurring in a dream.

  6. One should not discuss or mention a dream with anyone other than a scholar.

  7. Dream interpretation is an assumption and has no certainty.

Hence, the Muslim scholars, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the holy Quran emphasize that some dreams are true and have some meaning and symbols. Interpretation of dreams is also a study that is being undertaken by scholars over centuries. However, it involved a lot of risks and should be done carefully.


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